Business PowerHour will be held Tuesday, January 21st from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch and Networking at 11:30 a.m. and the presentation begins at 11:45 a.m.
Our Guest Speakers are Jonathan Mize, M.A., CRC Regional Business Relations Coordinator and Giovanne M. Turincio, MRC, CRC Community Outreach & Awareness Specialist, both with the Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
TOPIC: "Benefits of Fostering an Inclusive Workplace"
Join us for an engaging and insightful conversation on retaining employees with disabilities! With 1 in 4 Americans having a disability, fostering an inclusive workforce is more important than ever. This session will provide valuable guidance on supporting employees who need accommodations or assistance to continue thriving in their roles.
Key Takeaways:
Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your workplace inclusivity while effectively supporting your team!
Jonathan Mize is a married father of 3 and a Texas panhandle native with over 28 years of work experience with a variety of public sector agencies including Texas Workforce Solutions Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services, Texas Commission for the Blind, Texas Rehabilitation Commission, DARS-Division for Rehabilitation Services, a former advisory board member for the Brazos Valley Center on Disability and Development. He currently serves as the Business Relations Coordinator for Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Services in Waco serving customers in Austin, Bryan/College Station and Waco areas.
Giovanne Turincio received her undergrad from Texas A&M University in Speech Communications and Political Science and her Master’s in Rehabilitation Counseling from The University of Kentucky. She is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor with over 19 years of experience working with Vocational Rehabilitation and currently serving as a Community Outreach and Awareness specialist with the Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Services where her goal is to bring awareness of VR Services to the community.
***This event is a member benefit. If you are not a member and are interested in learning more about membership, please contact Lupe Teichelman at***