{Directory Results}
Better Business Bureau
- 1805 Rutherford Ln, Austin, TX 78754
For over 100 years, BBB has helped people make smarter decisions and is evolving to meet fast changing marketplace needs. BBB sets standards for ethical business behavior and monitors compliance.
- (844) 477-1099
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Junior League of Waco
- 2600 Austin Ave, Waco, TX 76710
The Junior League of Waco is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving our community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.
- (254) 753-5574
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Mission Waco/Mission World
- 1315 N 15th St, Waco, TX 76707
A Christian-based urban ministry to empower the poor and marginalized, mobilize the middle-class to compassionate involvement, and address systemic issues that impact the poor.
- (254) 753-4900
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